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Osa's wild ride

Dec 15

This past two weeks may have been really emotionally trying.  Osa’s surgical site is healing well but she has been complaining a lot, more and in a manner we have never heard in her life.  Its heartbreaking that she is still so very sad. We can’t tell how much is pain and how much of it is frustration or boredom. We are trying to keep her stimulated but she is not much interested in chews, her toys or the like.  Outside visits seem to interest her the most.

She goes in for her post surgery stitches removal and oncologist visit tomorrow.

Osa resting in the back yard for a bit for a change of scenery.

Osa resting in the back yard for a bit for a change of scenery.

5 comments so far

  1. Codie Rae
    3:59 am - 12-15-2015

    The first two weeks can be really hard and she is still adjusting to her new life on three. She is young, so yeah, she could well be bored. Is Osa off all her meds? That could be a factor too. Not sure what you mean by complaining (whining?yelping?barking?) but I’ll assume she is vocalizing in some way? Some dogs get phantom pain so you might ask your vet about that tomorrow. It can be treated. Or may be her stitches are itchy and causing her to be cranky? Maybe once the stitches are out she can spend more time outside since she won’t need as much supervision?

    Hang in there, be patient, love her up, and pretty soon these early recovery days will be behind you and Osa will be back to her happy self and rockin’ it on 3!

    Martha, Codie Rae, and the Oaktown Pack

  2. Tess Adams
    12:05 pm - 12-15-2015

    My girl Maggie will be going in to have her back leg removed. She is going in for surgery on Thursday. I am scared to death and I know we have a rough road ahead. She will be 8 years old this March. I have been told to do this or the leg is so weak she is close to breaking it and then they say if she breaks it it will be so painful they would have to put her down.

    My concern is how badly she will suffer. SHE IS MY LOVE AND BEST FRIEND. She has been there for me when I go for chemo treatments every three weeks and I need to be strong for her now that she has cancer. I was reading Osa’s story and saw that there is a happy ending.

    • osadad
      9:57 pm - 12-15-2015

      Hi there, thanks for the comment. I would suggest posting on the main forum as there are so many wonderful supportive people here that have gone through this.

  3. annapyr
    1:45 pm - 12-15-2015

    It doesn’t surprise me that she is most happy outdoors. She’s an Anatolian! If she is at all like our Pyrs, then laying on the back patio watching the world go by is her reason for being. I would try to find something that stimulates her mentally and helps her heal also. For example, starting on some sort of rehab program of basic PT will accomplish both. The PT we learned involved getting them to lift their head or turn their body in new ways. Or do you have somewhere you could go and let her people watch? Or a new place for a short walk w/ lots of new smells. Sometimes we’d take Ellie to the front porch and just sit with her. We called it “going for a porch”. She loved it almost as much as a walk.

  4. benny55
    12:40 am - 12-16-2015

    Osa is so pretty…just so very pretty.

    Yeahz being patient is awfully hard during this recovery process.

    Let us know how her check up went when you can, okay? My Happy Hannah had to stay on pain meds for three weeks. As you’ve heard from js before…every recovery is different…every dog is different.

    Let Osa enjoy the scents of being out in nature…just not walking around mich at all. She needs to just lay outside and let the sounds and smells of nature be her entertainment. She’ll slowly, but surely, get her sparkle back. SHE WILL!! Large dogs recover at “large do pace”. That’s usually in “slow gear”!

    Hugs to all!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    And yes Tess and Maggie, we are all here ro help you. This recovery business can be rough for a couple of weeks. Hop over to the forums and start a thread on Maggie. We’d love to hear more about her.

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