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Osa's wild ride

Dec 03

This is hard. We are being strong however for our girl.

Osa is being so strong and brave! If I ever go into a hospital unknowing, and wake up with out a leg, I will not complain after having seen her through this.OsaDay2

She was sent home with an infusion catheter in the wound which we are injecting every 6 hours with pain numbing medicine along with an array of meds.  I’m so thankful of my wonderful husband, who is an RN.  He took right over with her medication regimen.  He’s keeping me grounded and together.

I took the day off and am now going to fabricate a ramp for our front entry steps and one for our car –  MAD FAST.

She is due back in the pawspital Friday morning to be assessed and get the catheter removed.


6 comments so far

  1. annapyr
    7:46 pm - 12-3-2015

    Sweet face! Dogs are amazing, aren’t they? She’s not worried, she’s got you two to take care of her. They’ll be ups days and down days for the next couple of weeks, but I bet she’ll be back chasing cats before you know it.

    • osadad
      12:14 am - 12-4-2015

      Thankyou, Perhaps now that she is all drugged and loopy we can sneak a cat in the house… ok maybe not.

  2. benny55
    11:59 pm - 12-3-2015


    Just catching up on your beautiful and well loved Osa! I know getting to this point is scary and sooo intense. I also know that, once recovery is complete and Osa has her sparkle back bigger and brighter than before it will all be worth it!

    Recover is no picnic and sometimes it can take a bit longer with larger dogs. Having a RN for a husband is great!!

    Right now Osa just needs rest and to go out only for potty breaks. Her mobility may take a few daus to sort out for her plus the pain meds may make her loopy

    Stay connected. You are not alone, okay? We understand like no others can.

    Hugs to all!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    • osadad
      12:13 am - 12-4-2015

      Thanks so much! Knowing all of you have been through this is INCREDIBLY HELPFUL! I am so happy I found this org.

  3. jerry
    4:45 am - 12-4-2015

    Ohhh you sweetie pie, you are just probably so chill with that GREAT pain management and lovin’ by your folks. These first few days are really emotional but yeah, the humans come out much stronger and stable because of it. You’ve got a lot of lessons to send their way so get well soon gorgeous, we’re cheering you on!

    (Guys, if you have any questions just holler. This ain’t the easiest thing … oh, the ramp… don’t be too surprised if she doesn’t use it. She may, but a lot of dogs look at it and go “yeah right.” It’s a lot to learn for a dog whose never used one).

    • osadad
      8:29 pm - 12-4-2015

      Thanks for the kind words.
      You really called it right on the ramp. Osa would have nothing to do with it! She is determined to manage without.

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